In a realm of immersive exploration, unrestrained and expansive as the very essence of energy, I've woven my creative journey through the intricate threads of traditional and digital art forms. This odyssey has given birth to a plethora of artworks that now stand as iconic beacons, carving out fictional and mythological realms, earning accolades in esteemed publications, and etching indelible mythic imprints in the public consciousness.

As a painter, my strokes breathe life into inert canvases and spaces, bestowing upon them a pulsating vitality. Art, to me, is the rhythmic cadence of possibilities brought to life. Stepping into the role of a creative director, I conjure characters and worlds that transcend the bounds of reality, forging narratives within audio-visual realms, immersive installations, cinematic tapestries, and the boundless canvas of games. Nestled within the heart of Pondicherry, India, my practice resonates with the echoes of Kalarippayattu, the ancient martial art from India, the serenity of Yoga, and the quest for spiritual resonance.

The inception of Inkbrushnme can be traced back to 2005, a humble tale born of a graduation project. Nurtured by a rich tapestry of diverse artistic, spiritual, and cultural influences, Inkbrushnme has organically burgeoned into a multidisciplinary haven. My academic journey spans the corridors of visual art at AKMV, Pune, and the corridors of communication design at IDC, IIT Bombay. My existence, both in work and life, mirrors the convergence of two distinct yet harmonious realms - the symphony of art and design, the interplay of emotion and expression, a dance echoing the eternal dynamics of yin and yang, much akin to the entwined energies of Shiva and Shakti.

Within the nucleus of my being resides an unquenchable desire to metamorphosise the self and to propagate art's transformative essence far and wide.